Careers Education
Study & Revision

Year 9
To learn to STUDY SMART in year 9 you need to:
Aim for 3-5 hours of study and revision each week
Have a dedicated place to study
Explore different study techniques (lots here on this page) to see which suit your learning style
Revise EVEN when you don't have a test or exam
Go to tutorials if you are finding something hard to understand
Ask for help
Have good sleep and nutrition (seriously!!)

Year 10
To learn to STUDY SMARTER not LONGER in year 10 you need to:
Set some achievable study goals for this year
Aim for 5 plus hours of study weekly
Have a dedicated place to study
Continue to explore different study techniques so that you maximise your learning
Revise EVEN when you don't have a test (saves panicking later!)
Form study groups to support each other (it's good to be around others who support you to be the best you can be)
Ask for help
Go to tutorials in your subjects
Have good sleep and nutrition (no late nights!!)

Year 11-13
To be confident as you approach your NCEA Internals and External examinations, in Years 11-13 you need to:
Learn from last year! What worked for you in revision and study? Build on this. What didn't work? Toss it out!
Have a dedicated place to study.
Revise, revise, revise (check out the forgetting curve)
Keep to a good routine, plenty of sleep, rest, and have fun.
Got a part time job? Only work a maximum of 8 hours per week. Research shows that more than this will impact on your learning and results!
Keep company with like-minded people who are keen to succeed and support your learning and life goals.
How to study
Study Smart

NCEA Numeracy 2024 Term 2 AS 32406 | Worked Answers

The Most Powerful Way to Remember What You Study

The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips

Scientifically Proven Best Ways to Study
Helpful Websites, Apps & Downloads